Duties and Responsibilities

     The Directorate of Data Processing is assigned to provide technical support for all the units of the university it terms of computer technology. It supplies program softwares to all the units of Iğdır University depending on the quality of the task. The directorate decides on the design and upgrades of the website. It provides e-mail addresses for academic and administrative staff with namesurname@igdiredu.tr as user names, and makes the necessary password changes, and deletes the user name of leaving personnel. The directorate also performs the tasks of repairing computers and printers, laying the cables of network and internet, supporting student laboratories, providing consumables, cleaning the viruses, editing internet and network settings and sending the devices under warranty to authorized services.
     The directorate is also responsible for arranging and confirming the technical specifications for computers and environmental units to be bought according to the unit’s demands. We make the necessary controls for the computers and consumables bought by the units and make the installations of the operating system, office applications and other necessary programs. Apart from all these, this unit takes part in other activities held in the Rectorate and campus.